Visual Art

Buu Chi Paintings

Buu Chi is a well-known Vietnamese artist. During the American war in Vietnam, he was a law student at the University of Hue and was often arrested because of his opposition to the Thieu government and the American military presence in his country. His art was often the cause for his arrest or harassment by the Thieu government. The work displayed here was produced while he was imprisoned from 1972-75. Bui Chi died on December 14, 2002 from illness in his home in Hue, Central Viet Nam.

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Maori Art

Illustrations based on six stories of Maori myths and legends.
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Race Relations Office
1st Floor, United Bldg.,
107 Custom House Quay,
P.O. Box 5045, Lambton Quay.

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Karen Art

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Peace Posters: Images designed to provoke constructive conversations about peace.