CJPA National Offices

As a movement the CJPA encourages local groups to develop their own networks based on the concept of justpeace as articulated in the CJPA ideology.

Groups working on Justice and Peace


Asian Human Rights Commission: Protects and promotes human rights by monitoring, investigation, advocacy, and taking solidarity actions.

Interfaith Cooperation: Formed to facilitate the examination of different religious perspectives on the root causes of some of the threats and conflicts we experience in community today such as poverty, consumptive lifestyles, and unjust distribution of land.


Just Peace Queensland is a Brisbane-based organisation whose aim is to raise public awareness about alternatives to war and the necessity of justice in achieving lasting peace.

National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Ecumenical Commission of the National Council of Churches in Australia: The peak ecumenical Indigenous body in Australia works for a fair deal for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, and for the healing of their nation.


The Peace Way Foundation: Its major project, Burma Issues, is devoted to a peaceful resolution to Burma’s struggle for human rights and democratic rule.


Documentation Center of Cambodia: Researches and records the stories and music of the people who have suffered at the hands of the Khmer Rouge.

Hong Kong

The Society for Community Organization (SoCO): Works with marginalized communities throughout the territory, to establish an equal society and to build a strong power base for the people.


The Gedong Gandhi Ashram aims to translate Gandhian ideals of living into action and promotes a life of simplicity, self-sufficiency and service to the community. With ahimsa (nonviolence), satya (truth), and karuna (compassion) as guidlines, swadeshi (self-sufficiency) can determine the community's social and economic strengths. With these ideals the ashram is a home for all faiths.

The Institute for Inter-faith Dialogue in Indonesia (Interfidei/Institut DIAN) was founded in 1991 in Yogyakarta. The mission of the institute is three-fold: to encourage and develop a pluralistic religious thinking through dialogue; to stimulate a dynamic network of dialogue and interreligious cooperation; and to encourage religious transformation as a solution to humanitarian issues faced by society.


Courage to Refuse:Reserve combat officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces refuse to fight in the West Bank.

War on Want: This UK-based group is inviting people to break the Israeli Separation Wall, by "taking a brick from the wall" (signing the model wall), which will be brought to Downing Street to petition the British government to support the World Court's ruling.


The Civil Network for a Peaceful Korea: Forum where citizens and students can freely exchange opinions on North Korea, peace, and unification. They also monitor media reports concerning the Korean peninsula to check if they are false, exaggerated, or distorted.


The Centre for Community Development, Nepal (CCDN) is dedicated to empowering the community and promoting a better quality of life through facilitation, support, advocacy, and education with priority to the poor, marginalized, women and children; valuing the strength of community and their organizations.

Friends for Peace (FFP) works with local and international specialists on specific issues of concern in Nepal, convenes workshops for the sharing of experiences on peace processes from around the world and endeavors to be a leading research organisation providing a central source of information for a range of actors on conflict-related issues. FFP has several publications including a bi-monthly newsletter, Shantika Pahalharu.

Resource Identification & Management Society - Nepal (RIMS-Nepal) envisions an egalitarian society. A society where the basic needs (food, shelter, textile, education, and health) are fulfilled through the improved management of local resources and where society is united in exercising their own rights for communal benefits. They will be democratic and equal socio economic status.

Shanti Nepal is a social development organization born from the shared vision of experienced Christian community development and health workers involved in various organizations, including the United Mission to Nepal. Shanti Nepal believes that the needs and problems of a community are inter-related, and therefore must be addressed in a wholistic, integrated manner in order to find sustainable solutions. Shanti Nepal aims to mobilize and empower poor and marginalized communities through partnership with local groups, government, churches and organizations working in the target areas.

Society for Participatory Cultural Education (SPACE) stepped into the community development arena by conducting short-term adult literacy programmes with a focus on consciousness raising, and contines to work in this area. After nearly 12 years of continuous work on adult literacy programmes however, their focus has become broader and they have started working in an integrated mode from 1992. This approach is aimed at enhancing the awareness levels and livelihood status of the community by facilitating their effort to become free of indebtedness and the resulting poverty.

Sri Lanka

National Peace Council of Sri Lanka: Dedicated to support a negotiated solution to the ongoing war in Sri Lanka, they reject the logic of ‘Peace through war’, and firmly believe that the only lasting solution to the conflict is through a negotiated settlement.

Sardovaya: The Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement is an independent development and reconstruction movement, active in thousands of villages in all regions of the country. Sarvodaya’s message of fundamental unity is now being ambitiously applied to one of the central problems in Sri Lankan society — the protracted civil war and violence across the country.

United States

Veterans for Common Sense: Formed in 2002 by American war veterans who believe that the people of the United States of America are most secure when their country is strong and responsibly engaged with the world.

September Eleventh Families For Peaceful Tomorrows: Founded by family members of those killed on September 11th who have united to turn their grief into action for peace.


Regret to Inform: Letters from the Heart: A memorial to those on all sides who lost their lives in Vietnam - healing wounds through letter writing.


1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005: Millions of women work day in day out to promote peace. They care for survivors, help with reconstruction and initiate a new culture of peace. To represent these millions, it is their aim that in the year 2005 a thousand women shall collectively receive the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts in pursuit of peace. This political prize will show that the work they do is valuable and exemplary.

Anitaroddick.com: The founder of the Body Shop has interesting discussions on the worlds of activism, ethical business, human rights, environmentalism, womanhood, family, and much more.

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT): CPT offers an organized, nonviolent alternative to war and other forms of lethal inter-group conflict. They provide organizational support to persons committed to faith-based nonviolent alternatives in situations where lethal conflict is an immediate reality or is supported by public policy.

CODEPINK: Initiated by women, CODEPINK is a worldwide grassroots peace and social justice movement that seeks positive social change through proactive, creative protest and non-violent direct action.

Decade to Overcome Violence (2001-2010): An initiative of the World Council of Churches designed to create and strengthen networking by churches, organizations, and individuals committed to the search for peace, justice, and reconciliation internationally.

The Nonviolent Peaceforce: Dedicated to creating a large-scale peace army of trained, paid civilians from every continent to intervene in conflict situations. Using proven nonviolent intervention techniques, Peaceforce teams help local peacemakers carry out and expand their work to transform violent conflicts.

Peace X Peace: Empowers women to connect across cultural divides, using technology to weave a global web of communication, education and action for sustainable peace.

Center for Justpeace in Asia Partners

Henry Martyn Institute - International Centre for Research, Interfaith Relations and Reconciliation (HMI): Located in India, HMI is an ecumenical Christian organisation, dedicated to the objective study and teaching of Islam, the promotion of interfaith dialogue and reconciliation.

Alternative News

Alternative Press Review: Print version as well as e-mail list of regular updates of the very alternative site.

AlterNet: Internet information source that provides readers with crucial facts and passionate opinions they can't find anywhere else. AlterNet finds, evaluates, aggregates and organizes links to good journalism, policy analysis and websites on a range of pressing issues.

Common Dreams: Based in the U.S., Common Dreams is a non-profit citizens' organization working to bring progressive people together to promote progressive visions for our future. Founded in 1997, they are committed to being on the cutting-edge of using the internet as a political organizing tool - and creating new models for internet activism.

MoveOn: Based in the U.S., MoveOn is a catalyst for a new kind of grassroots involvement, supporting busy but concerned citizens in finding their political voice. Their network of more than 2,000,000 online activists is a responsive outlet for democratic participation.

t r u t h o u t: U.S. based and focused, but has some interesting international articles in their daily news mailing list.

ZNet: A huge website updated daily to convey information and provide community. About 300,000 people a week use ZNet's articles, watch areas and sub-sites, translations, archives, links to other progressive sites, daily commentary program, and more.